How to Stand Out at a Career Fair
Career fairs are great opportunities. They gather potential employers in one convenient place, a "one-stop-shop", so to speak. But just like you get to take your pick on which company's booth to visit, they have their pick of countless candidates (such as yourself) to hire.
So what is the key to landing a job after the event is over?
Here are some tips on how to stand out in the best way possible:
Dress to impress
Dress for the job you want!
Prepare your elevator pitch
Have a 30-second summary/pitch prepared, and cater it to each company you approach.
See our blog post about the bus stop blurb
Do your research
Visit the websites of each company you will visit, and familiarize yourself with their services or products and the company as a whole.
Ask thoughtful questions
Be sure to ask questions that cannot be answered with a simple Google search. This shows the recruiter that you've done research and given extra thought- that you are really interested in the company!
Acquaint yourself with as many companies as possible
Work the room! Get your name out there and make a great impression on the recruiters to increase your chances of possible employment opportunities.
Ask for business cards
(Tip: after visiting a booth and collecting a business card, write a few memorable facts/reminders of your conversation on the back for reference!) Keep the contact information for the company representative you networked with, and be sure to...
Follow up!
Within a few days of the event, personalize your follow-up email with a thank you for the individual's time, and some unique key points from your conversation, and what you can offer the company.
Be you: confident and interested and let your personality shine through!
If you put on a fake persona and get hired, it will be difficult to maintain, so just be true to who you are from the beginning. Plus, genuine confidence will boost your odds of employment!